The Problem
Wildfires have destroyed more than twice as many structures since 2016 than in the previous 17 years combined. Changing climate conditions and the continued expansion of the wildland-urban interface combine to make wildfire one of the most critical threats facing property owners in the coming decades. With almost four million housing units facing moderate to extreme wildfire risk in California, the state faces an insurance availability crisis as providers withdraw from the market due to an inability to effectively price and manage this growing wildfire risk.
Founded on Innovation
While a great deal of research into the thermodynamics of wildfire has been conducted over the years, the technology to leverage that science for structure vulnerability assessment has not existed until very recently. We gathered a team of data scientists, physicists, mathematicians, and technologists to build a machine learning platform capable of assessing wildfire vulnerability at the individual structure level, considering every potential ignition outcome based on objective, quantifiable property data. Once we deployed and validated our model, we knew it was time to take the next step and put that knowledge into practical action.
Explore the AMP PlatformBuilding a Different Kind of Solution
Protecting properties from wildfire requires a lot more than just identifying potential risks. That’s why we expanded our technology to provide continuous monitoring and coordination of protection services. We added experienced firefighting professionals and insurance experts to develop a comprehensive service that would not only make property owners aware of existing ignition risks, but also provide them with the tools to manage those risks over time to keep their homes and businesses safe.
See How It Works
Looking Ahead
To help us extend our assessment and protection services to cover as many properties as possible, we’ve engaged leading insurance carriers, reinsurers, real estate brokers, and homeowner associations. Tens of thousands of properties have already been assessed by our innovative AMP Platform to help unlock the state’s gridlocked insurance market and make it easier to comply with real estate disclosure laws for wildfire mitigation. Our team is focused on refining our technology and growing our services footprint across California and the western states.
Together, we will become the worldwide standard for managing wildfire risk.