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Make Your Home Wildfire Ready and Insurable with FortressFire Inspections

Schedule a ground inspection to help protect your home from wildfire, facilitate insurance purchase, and align with wildfire regulations.

Row of suburban homes with wildfire burning in hills behind them.


Establish an objective wildfire vulnerability rating.

Vulnerability: A New Standard for Assessing Wildfire Risk

Wildfire is complex and chaotic, which makes it difficult to evaluate the unique structural and site risks of an individual property. While some models can predict the probability of a wildfire affecting a property, none provide a quantitative assessment of the specific ignition risks for structures.

Until now.

We provide a precise assessment of where and how structures might ignite during a wildfire. These ratings are specifically designed to assess insurability and inform mitigation plans that reduce property vulnerabilities in line with insurance industry standards.

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Computer generated overhead view of house with trees flagged as wildfire risks.

Property Ignition Model

Our proprietary Property Ignition Model (PIM) combines satellite imagery, machine learning, and thermodynamic models with ground-level inspections and decades of fire and material science research to develop a comprehensive overview of ignition risk.

Our deterministic approach assesses how structures will ignite due to five specific threats: convective heat, radiant heat, ember entry, ember accumulation, and structure-to-structure ignition.

Data-Driven Mitigation Planning

PIM’s objective ignition risk assessment includes a comprehensive mitigation plan that addresses the unique vulnerabilities of individual structures and identifies specific actions that, if taken, can reduce the risk of structure loss.

We coordinate directly with service providers to ensure mitigations are performed promptly and in line with regulatory and insurance standards.

Hazard Model Integration

The property-level precision of our wildfire assessment integrates seamlessly with existing hazard models, catastrophe models, and insurance underwriting processes. We help underwriters better select risks and price policies with the goal of expanding access to insurance options for property owners.

Informed by Science, Enabled by Technology

We’ve drawn upon decades of wildfire science and thermodynamics research to create a sophisticated, data-driven model. Cutting edge analytics provide a comprehensive picture of how structures will burn in a wildfire and identify the mitigations necessary to make properties insurable. Our technology platform is continuously evolving to provide insurers, property owners, and government agencies with a better tool for assessing wildfire risk.

customer testimonial

Comprehensive Property Inspections

Discover the power of the Foretressfire Inspection Program–a revolutionary approach to safeguarding properties in high and very high wildfire hazard zones. Explore how our advanced technology, professional analysis, and expert insights help ensure compliance, protect your home and enhance insurability.

Actionable Insights

FortressFire builds upon aerial risk assessment with an on-the-ground inspection that helps bridge the gap between a property’s current vulnerability, regulatory requirements, and standards of insurability.

Our Inspections define a property’s characteristics and condition as they relate to wildfire vulnerability, regulatory compliance, and insurance standards. The property’s condition is evaluated against IBHS standards to present objective documentation of the property’s condition. We also recommend and provide pricing for specific mitigation actions necessary to meet those standards.

  • Detailed Risk Assessment
  • Regulatory Compliance Checks
  • Mitigation Recommendations
  • Insurance Eligibility Insights
Order an Inspection

A Path to a Safer Home

Get Objection Data, Documentation, and Insights for Mitigation and Protection

Groud RIsk Report

Itemizes wildfire exposure and vulnerability score based on the onsite inspection of the structure, surrounding fuels, and condition.

Ground Inspection Report

Inventions wildfire-related data elements of the property, including the structure, trees, and defensible space zones.

Serivce Orders

Presents required mitigation actions and pricing ready to be contacted or self-performed, along with recommended protection plans.

How to Order Your Inspection

Ready to fortify your home against wildfires?
Schedule a FortressFire Inspection today and unlock a new level of confidence in your property’s safety and insurability.

Order Form

Make Credit Card Payment

Confirm Date & Time For Inspection

Computer generated isometric view of suburban community with icons over homes representing risk.

Get in Touch

Contact us to learn more about our platform, programs, and services. 
