Learn How to Make Your Property More Insurable
FortressFire is here to help you navigate the challenges of insuring wildfire-prone properties. The result? Better coverage options for properties that might otherwise be considered uninsurable or forced into the California FAIR Plan.
See If You Qualify for Better Insurance Coverage
Our insurance brokerage partners may be able to identify insurance options for properties that have been assessed, mitigated, and protected by FortressFire.
Here are five steps to bring you closer to insurance protection and peace of mind.
- Confirm Property Details: Provide essential information such as property address, property value, and homeowner contact details.
- Receive Insurance Quotes: Get quotes from a network of vetted carriers who trust FortressFire’s data-driven insights.
- Select Your Carrier: Choose the best insurance option for your needs.
- Schedule a Ground Inspection: Affirm the property’s condition and identify any necessary mitigation measures.
- Finalize Your Policy: Execute the policy and provide evidence of completed mitigations and protection plan subscription.
Request an Insurance Quote